Sunday, July 27, 2014

Did we come from monkeys?

Where we came from" is as important of a topic as "where are we going?"
In 1859 with the publication of the famous book Origin of the Species Charles Darwin would forever change the way our modern world looked at the issue of origins.
His theory concluded that the biblical account of creation was false, that there was no intelligent designer, and that our universe and life was nothing more than a series of accidental mutations over billions of years.
More than anyone else, Darwin was responsible for giving a credible story of origins that left God out. Man was no longer a creation of God, but a more highly evolved monkey.
Christians who still believe in the biblical account of creation are often accused of "ignoring scientific evidence" and accepting creation with "blind faith". But this statement is simply not true.
In fact, there is a growing body of scientists, both Christian and non-Christian, who have found the theory of evolution to have gaping holes and scientifically impossible explanations that require a huge amount of "blind faith".
Science is the discipline of comprehending and systematising knowledge by observation and experiment. Theories are established that must be tested, re-tested and re-tested.
Scientists will establish theories, conduct experiments, and then observe the results to see if their theories were correct. The theory of evolution must submit itself to the same scientific scrutiny.
One of the many "giant leaps" proposed by evolutionists is that living matter spontaneously evolved from non living matter. Their theory is that at some point in the distant past, there was no life on Earth just non living matter.
It is hypothesised that there existed on Earth a "primordial soup" with just the right chemicals and atmospheric conditions and that life was "spontaneously generated". Mind you, no scientist has ever been able to prove this theory by experiment or observation in a laboratory. We are just told to "accept it" with no evidence. Sounds like blind faith!
In the 1970s, a British astronomer by the name of Sir Fredrick Hoyle calculated the mathematical probability that life could be spontaneously generated from this "primordial soup".
Hoyle and his associates knew that the simplest form of life on Earth was a bacterium which required at least 2000 independent functioning proteins in order to not only "exist" but to metabolise and reproduce.
Hoyle calculated the probability of the spontaneous generation of just the proteins of a single amoeba at 1 in 1040,000. If you think that is amazing, Hoyle hadn't even added to the calculations the odds of the spontaneous generation DNA or RNA or the cell walls etc. How complex is DNA?
Harvard University in 2012 reported that they were able to store 700 terabytes of data in a single gram of DNA. That is the equivalent of 14,000 fifty gigabyte blue ray discs.
The odds that DNA spontaneously generated with that level of complexity is so ridiculous that it is virtually impossible. But those are just the odds of spontaneous generation. Add to that, the odds that trillions of accidental mutations over time would give us the amazingly complex living systems of today, and you are really living on "blind faith".
But what is so significant is that if the theory of evolution is true, then the Bible cannot be true.
The book of Genesis, which gives us God's account of the creation of the universe, the earth, living matter and mankind, would all be false if the theory of evolution is true.
Before you discard the Bible as a work of fiction in favour of evolution, and before you tell your children that they are nothing more than a highly evolved monkey, put evolution to the test!
The theory of evolution has been responsible for a massive decline in morality in the world.
Once you convince a society that there is no God, that all religion is fiction or a coping mechanism, you also destroy the basis for morality. Read carefully Romans 1:17-32 and see God's warning about the demoralising of society without God!
The Creation Science Conference being held July 28 - August 1, 2014, is an opportunity for you to consider the scientific reasons that proponents of intelligent design believe evolution is not only false, but impossible.
You will be presented with evidence that reveals a wise, intelligent creator is responsible for the grandeur of the universe, not some unexplainable "Big Bang". By the end of the week you can answer for yourself, "Is the Bible a credible record of our origins?"
Perhaps our educational department will consider allowing "intelligent design" to be presented to the same degree as theory of evolution in our schools.
For more information contact Pastor Kory Mears on
* Pastor Mears was the pastor of Nausori Baptist Church for 17 years and is the Principal of Nausori Baptist Christian Academy for 11 years

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